June 20, 2024 | Rebecca Scott for Travel Phoenix Oregon

Working as a private investigator is an exciting career, where no two days are alike. Each case an investigator tackles presents a new challenge and an opportunity to help others. No matter if it’s in a large city or a small town, a private investigator uses their unique skills to help their clients.

Whether it’s doing surveillance work or helping with missing person cases, local private investigator Matt Nawoichik has been working in this intriguing field since 2006.

An unexpected path

Matt, who owns MK1 Investigations in Phoenix, started his PI career on the east coast, primarily working on cases of suspected fraud. However, a wonderful turn of fate would soon take him to an entirely new place and change his life forever.

“My wife is from Ashland so when I met her, we visited her folks here. I was immediately in awe of the Rogue Valley, and when the cards aligned, we moved here,” said Matt. 

He became licensed in Oregon and started working cases here. 

“When I moved out here, I had an “aha” moment and realized I could open my own business and do contract work for other companies.”

Prior to finding his passion for PI work, Matt went to college with the thought he would eventually work as a police officer or in law enforcement. He later realized that path wasn’t for him. Matt then worked as a DJ in his 20s and later stumbled upon the idea of working as a PI and thought he would be good at it. 

“While I originally wanted to work in law enforcement, I quickly discovered that I loved PI work,” he said.

A love for the community

Matt and his family relocated to the Rogue Valley in 2017. They moved to the area because his wife got a job in Medford, but thought that Ashland would be too long of a commute. Their search eventually led them to Phoenix. 

“We moved to Phoenix site unseen, and completely fell in love with the neighborhood and town. We’re so happy to raise our kids here,” he said. 

In addition to his work, Matt loves to be involved in the local community. He’s currently on the Phoenix Talent Little League board and part of the PTA at Talent Elementary. 

“I see a lot of people around town at different events and I feel like the town is bustling. I’m excited to be a part of it.”

For Matt, his work as a private investigator has provided him so much, including discovering the wonderful Rogue Valley—as well as many other areas of Oregon. 

“As a PI, I get to travel to various parts of the state. It’s been a fun way to explore Oregon and learn more about different cities and towns,” he said.

Photos from MK1 Investigations